GET /puzzles
Retrieve a list of puzzles with optional filters and pagination.
Query Parameters:
- start (integer, default: 0) - The starting index for pagination.
- limit (integer, default: 10) - The number of puzzles to return.
- min_rating (integer, default: 0) - The minimum rating to filter puzzles.
- max_rating (integer, default: 3000) - The maximum rating to filter puzzles.
- themes (string) - A comma-separated list of themes to filter puzzles.
Example Request:
Copied to clipboard!
GET /puzzle
Retrieve a puzzle by its ID.
Query Parameters:
- puzzle_id (string) - The ID of the puzzle to retrieve.
Example Request:
Copied to clipboard!
Available Themes
- opening
- middlegame
- endgame
- mate
- mateIn2
- mateIn3
- fork
- sacrifice
- queensideAttack
- kingsideAttack
- advantage
- short
- long
- veryLong
- discoveredAttack
- crushing
- deflection
- pin
- skewer
- oneMove
- defensiveMove
Example Request:
Copied to clipboard!
GitHub Repository
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